500in24 Review

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500in24 Review – 26 Internet Marketing Courses For The Price Of One

500in24Everybody likes a challenge and that is exactly what the 500in24 program is all about. In this new program by Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos, they have done something that is virtually unheard of by putting 26 internet marketing gurus to the test.

Launched just a few days ago, 500in24 is a program or challenge wherein Jason and his team have interviewed 26 known names in the industry and asked them to reveal their best practices and secrets that generate their six or seven-figure incomes. Each had to come up with a plan that would earn $500 in 24 hours. And for 500in24, they did that willingly.

The Premise of 500in24

Having the top internet marketers battling it out for the Number 1 spot seems like a crazy idea. And having them divulge all their secrets is even crazier. But that is exactly what 5ooin24 is all about. It’s about the top 26 internet marketers of our time talking about their top marketing practices and hoping that they get the “Coolest Internet Marketer” title.

The Story of The 500in24 Challenge 

If you have read my Rapid Crush Software Club review, you’d know that this is a venue where internet marketers can pitch their ideas to Jason and Wilson. After a failed attempt to impress Jason and Wilson with his marketing idea, Dean Hall was summoned by Jason with a dare: interview different marketers and figure out who the “coolest” internet marketer is.

How 500in24 Works 

Each person who downloads the 500in24 package will be able to listen to and download the 26 interviews conducted by Dean. You can listen to all (or even just one) and you will be able to vote for your favorite interview. After a few weeks (no word yet on exactly how long it will take) of tallying, the internet marketer who got the most votes will be crowned the “Coolest Internet Marketer” and the results will be published in the 500in24 website.

Features of  500in24

500in24’s goal is to discover the system that can help make people earn $500/day. But with the different interviews you will get from it from different internet marketers (from different fields), you’re bound to find more information that can help you with your business. Here are a few of those things:

  • The best time and day to sell products online
  • What an “ebay deal broker” is and why you need one
  • The exact email you need to send out to get JV partners
  • Best places to do your outsourcing
  • Ways to get local businesses to hire you for their online needs
  • Mobile marketing strategies for newbies
  • Learn to have your products features as a “WSO Of The Day”
  • Use AdMob.com to increase your profit

The Benefits of 500in24

In many ways, 500in24 is a first of its kind. I do not even know what the best word to describe it would be: program, course, challenge? But nonetheless, 500in24 will benefit at least three groups of people:

1) For The 26 Internet Marketers of 500in24: The title of “Coolest Internet Marketer” is a big boost to their reputation and authority in the internet marketing business. Not to mention the fact that they will surely get a bigger following from the added exposure they get from this contest.

2) For Struggling Internet Markers: Discovering the different processes or systems by people who has profited a lot online is very good news for marketers who haven’t really experienced success online yet. With 500in24, each person will get 26 different secrets and practices from some of the top marketers.

3) For established Internet Marketers: A formula to earn $500 in just one day – that’s something every internet marketer has to be curious about. 500in24 is bound to have quite a few “golden nuggets”.

Meet The 26 Experts Of 500in24

500in24 definitely sounds intriguing, right? Now, just to give you an idea who you would be listening to in the 26 interviews included in the program, here’s a list of the names of the different experts – each one an expert in their own field.

  1. James Jones– has been in the business for 15 years and is the man behind the website “Micro Niche Finder”
  2. Maria Gudelis– has made seven-figures profits in the business and known for many products such as the Ultimate Facebook Challenge
  3. Laura Betterly– expertise is in mobile marketing and has been featured in CNN, Wall Street Journal and more
  4. Mike Carraway– a famous internet marketer from the Warrior Forum
  5. Ron Douglas– NY Times bestselling author of “America’s Most Wanted Recipes” and known internet marketer
  6. Jeff Dedrick– known for his email list building skills (he’s got over 100,ooo subscribers)
  7. Bill McIntosh– creator of the WordPress “FeedBurner” plugin
  8. Mike Cowles– developed the affiliate marketing software, Simple Owe Click
  9. Adam Spiel– SEO expert and considered by many as a Joint Venture (JV) master
  10. Dr. Mani– is a surgeon who uses internet marketing to raise funds for children who can’t afford surgeries- he’s raised over $130,000
  11. Caleb Spilchen– the 16-year-old kid who is becoming more famous for his knowledge on product creation and forum marketing
  12. Bryan Zimmerman– founder of the Webinar Swaps and also a known name in the Warrior Forum
  13. Shane Natan– internet marketer who is famous for over-delivering and business know-hows
  14. Jeremy Gatica– most famous for his knowledge on creating highly-optimized squeeze pages
  15. Adam Nolan– an expert on product creation and marketing- most famous for his Online Cash Domination
  16. Brad Spencer– considered as an expert in micro product creation and JV partnerships
  17. Dan Hollings– the brains behind the marketing success of the infamous “The Secret” book and movie
  18. Jay Boyer– also known as the 10k Kid because he made $10,000 off the internet in 10 days
  19. John Rhodes– has launched hundreds of digital products for internet marketer
  20. Rachel Rofe– copywriter turned outsource specialist
  21. Tim Castleman– an expert in offline marketing and online marketing
  22. Chad Castleman– a programmer who used his software development knowledge in internet marketing
  23. Deborah Drum– most famous for her video marketing expertise
  24. Dennis Becker– owns a famous membership site for marketers called Earn 1K A Day
  25. Marcus Campbell– has been in the business for seven years and owns over 50 websites
  26. Charles Kirkland– internet marketer famous for his knowledge on affiliate marketing, SEO and adwords advertising

What You Pay For With 500in24

Should you decide to try out the 500in24 program, here’s what you will get  from it:

  • 26 mp3 files, one of each of the interviews
  • 26 PDF files of a questionnaire the internet marketers have answered
  • a chance to vote for the “Coolest Internet Marketer” award
  • as usual, the standard Jason Fladlien 30-day money back guarantee

The Limited Cost of 500in24

Getting 500in24 is  a lot like taking 26 different training courses all at once. The good news is, for the next day or two, this 26-in1 course costs just $49. But that deal is about to end soon and Jason did say on the site that the price will significantly rise after the time period.

The 500in24 sale will end at November 7, 2011 at exactly 11:59PM (PST).

UPDATE: As mentioned here, the price will go up after November 7, 2011. Now, 500in24 costs $99.95 but you will still get all the benefits of the course, including the 30-day money back guarantee.  

Check out this video to know more about 500in24. 

[S3VIDEO file=’500in24sales.mp4′ sitemap=’true’ bgimage=’/wp-content/uploads/500in24.png’]



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