Product eClass 2.0

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Product eClass 2.0 Review- Everything You Need To Know 

Product eClass 2.0Update: Catch the webinar replay for the Product eClass 2.0 here. Link  will be taken down on Oct. 18, 12midnight, PST.

In 2010, Jason launched a product creation coaching program called Product eClass. A few days ago, he announced and formally launched its updated version, aptly called, Product eClass 2.0. So why has Jason decided to update this class? Is he running out of product ideas? Or has  the product creation process changed that much over the last couple of years?

Last year alone, Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos made at least $1.5 million- Product eClass 2.0 will show you how this duo made that happen. Digital products and services are what makes the internet marketing world flourish. And given the fact that thousands and thousands of people are venturing into this industry, finding and creating a product that will sell like pancakes and generate money for you can be tough. Nonetheless, it is possible.

Why Do An Update?

The Rapid Crush team is known to create new products that offer new solutions for everyday business processes. So why would Jason decide to just update a product that he has previously launched? Well, the simple answer is this: Jason has learned a lot and have become smarter since the first product launch.

In the Product eClass 2.0 webinar (see video below), Jason also explains that he would have made an update of the original Product eClass group training sooner but he and his team were also busy putting these techniques and strategies into action.

Unfamiliar With Product eClass 2.0?

Now, before we go on any further in this review, it is important to fully understand first what Product eClass 2.0 is all about. To make it easier for you, here’s a list of “quick facts” about this program:

  • It is a group training program on how to create digital products in two hours or less
  • The eClass lasts for six weeks and Jason will personally facilitate the training
  • It is an interactive group training program where you can ask and get answers in real time
  • Product eClass 2.0 is a step by step guide on how to make long-term profits online
  • Students will also learn how to drive traffic to their websites/products

How Does Jason Create Products Anyway?

So how does Jason Fladlien create products anyway? What makes his methods unique? More importantly, what makes these methods effective? Here’s a list of how Jason creates products and some key principles in the Product eClass 2.o course:

  • Creating good products is more important than your marketing plan.
  • Getting testimonials/proofs is the difference between a six-figure profit and a seven-figure profit.
  • Not all “good product ideas” are already taken.
  • Do not write about the basic ideas- get to the specifics right away.
  • Present your product in a step-by-step format.
  • Sell the product at a ridiculously low price.
  • Your title is very crucial: it should not be too broad or too specific, it should attract a big-enough market, and it should tackle one problem and offer one solution.
  • Your product must offer a person another way to do something with minimal effort but same, if not better, results.
  • Try to promise and deliver a specific result in a specific time frame.

What Will I Do In Six Weeks? 

Like I said, Product eClass 2.0 will go on for six weeks. Now, you don’t have to be always present during the live training sessions (but it is advisable) because you will get the audio/video recordings and transcriptions in the Members Area, once you sign up for it. But during this time, Jason will guide you through the process of creating products that you can sell online.
Both newbies and veterans can benefit from this training since every one  who signs up will start from Day 1. Jason will cover all the basics and as you go on with the training, you will learn more about his personal techniques and strategies on how to make money on the Internet.

What Will I Learn In Product eClass 2.0?

For an internet marketer, six weeks can be a long time- especially if you have tons of websites to handle of lots of campaigns to monitor. So will Product eClass 2.0 be well worth your time? Well, here’s a preview of what you will do for six weeks with Jason Fladlien:
Week 1: 2 Hour Product Creation 
Learn Jason’s 1-1-1 product creation formula
Finding the best products to create
Week 2: Star Latching
Learn how to generate traffic to your website
Everything you need to do in your first month from product launch
Week 3: Info Product Imports
Learn how to import/export your products
Discover what “Made In China” means for Jason Fladlien
Week 4: The Semester Method
Learn how to make more passive income from your online products
This technique has made Jason about $2000 in profit in one hour
Week 5: Price Stretching
Learn the different ways to get more money from your products (or somebody else’s products)
Create your second product that will give you more profits
Week 6: The 200,000 Affiliate
Learn how to make money as an affiliate
Discover the  best type of information product that will generate thousands of dollars

What Is Jason’s 1-1-1 Product Creation Formula?

The 1-1-1 formula stands for 1 Sitting, 1 Problem, 1 Solution. Obviously, that means that you should be able to create a product in one sitting and you need to pick one problem and offer one fool-proof solution. Jason says that nowadays, more than ever, speed is important in product creation.
The 1-1-1 Formula works because in this method, you won’t feel any pressure at all. Let me ask you this: have you ever felt so pressured about accomplishing something for your business that you find yourself postponing and postponing that task? Sooner or later, you realize that you have procrastinated and that brilliant idea or task has been put to waste. Product eClass 2.0 is all about taking action- and taking action now. 

Is Product eClass 2.0 For Me? 

Jason Fladlien discovered the central idea for the Product eClass 2.0 when he first decided to create his own information product. He was a content writer back then so he used his knowledge in article creation and he gave himself only a few hours to finish his “How To Write An Article in 7 Minutes” eBook. It was his first product but even then, the 1-1-1 Formula worked!
A few years later, he taught this same technique to others. And right now, they are all enjoying six figure profits (Kieran McDonogh, Costas Peppas, Jay Moyer and more). All they did was follow Jason’s exact instructions and strategies. So is Product eClass 2.0 for you? Well, if you want to see more success in your online business, it definitely is.

So How Much Is Product eClass 2.0?

Product eClass 2.0 comes with a one-time payment of $495. It’s not spare change alright, but given that this is Jason’s best selling course and that this the whole class is facilitated by Jason himself, it is a good steal.

Aside from that, you would also get two Money-Back guarantees with Product eClass 2.0:

  • 30-Day Money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the course
  • 60-Day Money back guarantee if you have created three unique products but did not get your investment back
What’s more to that is in the 60-day guarantee, you will get twice the money you paid for the whole course. That means that if in 60 days and you followed the Product eClass lessons to the tee, but you did not get any profits, Jason will give you a thousand dollars.

Are there any Bonuses with Product eClass?

How About 6 Bonuses

If you want to get more than your money’s worth with Product eClass 2.0, the key is to act fast. Jason has included six bonuses to this training program but there’s a limited supply to these bonuses. There’s no guarantee (unfortunately) that you’d be able to get it all. Here’s a list of the Product eClas 2.0 bonuses:
  • Traffic eClass
  • The Master List
  • Two-Day Amazon Book
  • Master eBook Templates
  • The Sales Conversion Templates
  • Three Unique Products With Resell Rights

Aside from that, Jason will personally help create a product for you. Every other week, you will choose one topic or product that you and Jason will work on. By the end of the Product eClass 2.0 course, you will have three unique and Jason Fladlien-approved products.

[S3VIDEO file=’Product-Creation-Secrets-Jan-21st-Webinar-Replays.mp4′ sitemap=’true’ bgimage=’’]



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  12. Product eClass: An Exemplary Mentoring Package About Digital Product Creation | Premier MLM Tools - [...] Product eClass 2.0 is the latest version of this kind of mentoring package, which was first launched in 2010.…
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  15. Product eClass: An Exemplary Training Course About Product Creation And More | iJournalise - [...] Product eClass 2.0 is an updated version of this specific mentoring package, which was first launched in 2010. As…
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  17. Product eClass: An Exemplary Mentoring Program That Teaches Digital Product Creation | Virtual Assistant Industry - [...] Product eClass 2.0 is the latest version of the mentoring program, which was first launched a couple of years…
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