Offline Reputation Bundle

by | Marketing Courses

Offline Reputation Bundle Information 

Offline Reputation Bundle is a course that teaches marketers who are, as the name suggests, interested in bridging the gap between offline and online marketing. This course by  Costas Peppas was featured in Jason Fladlien and Wilson Mattos’ latest Auction Webinar. If you weren’t able to snag this offer during that webinar (or you’ve heard about the Offline Reputation Bundle somewhere else), then read on.

In this article, we will talk about this course and exactly what it is that you will learn from this $97 course. 

Who is Costas Peppas?

Dubbed as the “Greek Internet God,” Costas is a well-known name at the Warrior Forum for his courses and training sessions on offline marketing. His focus, as you can imagine is in this field. In 2011, he has also published a book entitled, “Costas Peppas Reveals: How To Double Your Customers Without Trying: Lessons In Online Marketing For Local Businesses” that is available on Amazon.


What You’ll Get with Offline Reputation Bundle 

Here’s a full list of what you will get with this course.

  • My Ambulance Method – This the complete step by step guide on how to get the clients, make the offers, close he deals and fulfill the services.
  • Top Secret Positioning and Pricing Strategy Report – This is a top secret report that has only been read by a select few. Inside, it reveals how to position yourself as the expert and hero so that you can land those high paying clients and demand the higher prices for your services.
  • Personal Lead Generation Letter – This is the exact same direct mail letter that Costas used to get new clients.
  • Powerful Autoresponder Email Followup – Now you can swipe the exact email message that Costas  use for his clients that helps generate tons of feedback and testimonials for their business.
  • Client Survey Template – Use the “done for you” survey template for your clients. Simply change out the info for their business and you are all set. No need to recreate this yourself
  • Over the Shoulder Walkthrough Video on How to Find Profitable Niches – Watch Costas uncover profitable niches right in front of your very eyes.
  • Live Training With Costas – “Discover How to Find Desperate Business Owners” is a live training session, where Costas  reveal how to find desperate business owners that “Must” have your services.

The Cost of the Offline Reputation Bundle 

Like I mentioned earlier, this course and mentoring program costs $97, that’s a one-time fee. It also comes with standard return policies (30 days) and customer support.

The Overall Verdict:

So should you buy this course? Despite the fact that Costas is not very active anymore in the internet marketing niche, this course is very well-recommended by Jason- which is always a good sign. Plus, the live training session with Costas is very interesting too. Check out Offline Reputation Bundle here.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.” on all 99 posts published on the website. 



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