Member Genius
Hot on the heels of WP Twin, Jason Fladlien has scored another home run with Member Genius. Member Genius is WordPress membership site plugin that is simple, easy to use, and inexpensive!
Best of all it integrates perfectly with both aweber and Paypal! Check out the 4 minute video below, where he shows you how it easy it is.
It literally takes only minutes to configure the plugin, and bam your wordpress site is now a membership site.
And the price! Only a one time fee of $97, very very reasonable price for a plugin that does everything that this one does.
Check out the Member Genius details (also applies to Member Champ):
“What’s Inside?…”

Follow this link for more information about Member Champ.
Check out the video below, in it Jason explains exactly how Member Genius works.
[S3VIDEO file=’membergenius-salesvideobigger.mp4′]
Hi Jason, can the Member Genius plugin be used on differently configured themes, such as 2 or 3 column and right or left info columns?
I am not Jason, but I believe it can be yes. The number of columns in your blog should not make any difference to the plugin.
Im confused
What is the difference in Member Genius and Member Champ?
also…love your plugin (member genius)…but i really need drip content
How or when do u plan to add drip content or how can i do that in a workaround?
Hi Jim,
First let me say that I am only an affiliate for Jason products, so I am not official. But your question is one that I have often wondered myself actually.
I believe that Member champ is an improved or upgraded member genius, something along those lines. But I am not sure, they are very similar.
I don’t have any information about the drip content for member genius, but I do know that drip content is not offered for member champ. The official support page for member champ might be a good place for you to get in touch with Jason and ask him:
Hope that helped,