I just received this email, and I’m seriously considering going. Its a perfect excuse to go to Vegas, and the price is right. Going to the seminar will actually save me money, because whatever I did instead of going to the seminar would certainly cost me more than the $97 seminar fee.
Just one question: how does one have a baby, and the next month go to Vegas? The Flad is one smooth operator… I can already see the look on my wife’s face if I were to even mention something like that.
Without further ado, here is the email. You can link to the seminar here.
Next month me and my 6 “wealth scientists” are
holding a true, no pitch seminar in sunny las vegas.I’d like for you to join us. The rooms start as low
as $29 for the first night of your stay.Again, there is no pitching allowed at all… just
tons of good content presented in a cohesive way
since this is my mastermind group.Check it out here for all the details:
http://www.practicalprofits.com/index.htmlOn the page you’ll discover some very enlightening
things on how most seminars are run and why
we decided not to go the “tupperware party”
route.This is the first event I’ll be at since my daughter
has been born. Should I feel a little guilty for
looking forward to this break? 🙂She’s been great actually and I’m so happy right
now. And I’d be happy to see you at the special
event I’m co-hosting next month.http://www.practicalprofits.com/index.html
To your success,
Jason “Wayne Newton” Fladlien